Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

My hair is naturally curly and I dont know what to do with it.It is VERY VERY thick.I hate it.It goes to the middle of ym back.I want to cut it off but my mom %26amp; friends say dont you have "good hair".My daghter also has this kind of hair,but the thing is her hair is soft and thin and controlling.I try to relax it but it gets more curlier.I am mixed and so are my sisters and brothers and they also have this curly hair.But not as bad as mine.Please Help me.

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

I totally understand your situation! I had the exact same problem when i was a teenager and didn't get the hang of in until my mid-twenties. DO NOT cut you hair! I did that too and it looks horrible-you will make it look worse. The key to all of this is to CONDITION, never use products for curly hair they do more harm than good always use "moister rich" or "Dry to Damaged Hair" products.

This is my usual regiment:

Shampoo with Tresseme Moisture Rich Vitamin E Shampoo (for Dry to Damaged Hair)

Condition with Tresseme COnditioner same as above.

*when you condition in the shower make sure you leave it on for a while. I usually shampoo than condition scroll my hair and pin it with a butterfly and do whatever else i need to do in the shower. The last thing you want to do is rinse the conditioner. Before rinsing i change the water temp. to a colder temp. The cold water "freezes" the moister in, where as warm or hot water "melts" it off defeating the purpose.*

Then when i'm done showering i "pat" hair gently, do not wring or scrunch.

I usually use Fructise's Curl Leave-in Conditioner (the only curl product i use because it is soooo good =)) I generously apply that to my hair from top to ends, more so on the ends because they tend to get dryer.

I proceed to comb through the Leave-In Conditioner with an over sized wide tooth comb.

Then i style with Tresseme Anti-Friz Gel, this works wonders! I do it in two sections because i have long hair too. First i do the top of my head to about my neck then i get a little more gel enough to cover the rest and again most importantly the ends because they can get wild.

And if it is a humid day or if it is raining or you want a bit more of a hold. I sometimes use Tresseme's Curl Difinition Hair Spray. The bottle is black with Green Letters.

I hope this helps. You don't have to use these exact same products, these are just the ones that work for me. I had to play with it at first until i got the hang of it. You can mix and match products if you need to do so, just make sure you stay with in the same "area or type" of product. GOOD LUCK!! =D...

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

if you cut your hair short you'll look like a Q-Tip.

and try a flat iron

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

you can try anti-friz, calming and strighting shampoos and conditioners or other products such as that. i have the exact same problem as you. you could also try flat irons or other curling irons to jazz up your look. also talk to your salon they might have products for you. but just try those products they have worked for me

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

i have the same type of hair, i cut it recently because i thought i'd take the time to straighten out to the sides even more

keep it long, i use mousse every day and a tiny bit of styling gel to help keep the frizz down (as much as possible) use hair spray in the middle of styling it, and when you finish

its helped my hair stay a little bit more controlled, hope this helps!

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

be satisfied with w/e u have honey.

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

i use a hair product on my daughter whom has the same's called mixed chicks......the website to order it is

i just get the 3 piece set, hope this helps, its a lil expencive about 40$, but it tames it down some

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

My hair is the same since I'm Indian and black my hair does that alot. But try putting oil moisturizer on it and flat iron it. I bet you daughter looks so cute. My little cousin is mixed with black and puerto rican and she is so adorable.

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

I also have very curly, thick borderline unruly hair and I don't like frizz at all. Most anti frizz products or leave in conditioners don't help me because my hair just seems to soak it all up and laugh at it mercilessly. The only thing that's really worked for me is an extremely thick leave in conditioner called Parnevu. I find it in beauty supply stores and occasionally at Longs/type drug stores, usually in the ethnic hair section. While its still really wet, I put in the Parnevu followed by a little bit of gel for hold and dry it slightly with a diffuser. I get the best, softest curls when I let it air dry, though. This process leaves me with soft, well defined curls that make just about everyone I know jealous. BTW, I have fairly course hair and A LOT of it!!! I don't know if it'll work for you but it might be worth a try????

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

there are many styles such as straightning your hair or putting it in a pony tail. Instead of cutting it short cut it about 2in shorter. or try to get twistys or corn rows.

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

maby you should try a hair is like that and it works really well!

I have Curly hair and I need Help!?!!!?

i have the same prob exept my hair is thin but just lots of it. grrr. try straightning it that will lookso hot and yall feel like a totally diferent person goodluck

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