Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Curly hair love and only needs oils and butters?.?

I have mixed race curly (corkscrews) hair and my hair hate proteins.I use a island shampoo by aubrey organics before and my hair stays elongated when I shampoo with it .It contains shea butter.Here are the ingrediants:

but when I use the honeysuckle poo evry three days this winter my hair would be poofy and it would still be poofy when I only wash with shampoo every week. I will need it's condtioner to make it non poofy.The shampoo has no shea butter but the conditioner does.Here are the ingrediants

Does this mean that I have to avoid products that doesn't contain shea butter? and Do any of you must buy hair products that contain oils,butter, make your hair non puffy? I'm want to make my own hair products because it costs to much to buy them every time.

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