Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hair - straight now curly?

um okay well my mom has REALLY curly hair i mean like tight curls and my dad has straight hair. I used to have straight hair but it started to get wavy, and now there are actually curls. Why is this happening? is it gonna get curlier? or is get getting curlier because its really long? please help!

Hair - straight now curly?

Hair often changes, especially during puberty. There is not really anyway to predict what is going to happen to your hair. I know mine got slightly less curly as I grew older (but it's still pretty curly). Here are some resources about caring about curly hair if that helps at all. (:

a good page-

list of products, care, and more info. about curly hair-

based on the book-

curly forum, shopping, and info. (link is to explanation of book)-

book (available on Amazon or at the library)-

Curly Girl by Lorraine Massey

Hair - straight now curly?

Sometimes your hair changes, I'm not sure why but it does. I used to have curly hair as a baby then it got really straight until I reached high school and ever since then its just been wavy. It might be curly because its getting long but I can't tell without seeing it or it being my own hair :-P

Hair - straight now curly?

growing your roots out causes your hair to mature. Get some straightening hair supplies and it should tame your hair down to loose waves. Good luck!

Hair - straight now curly?

I think it might be getting curly, but not as curly as your moms, it'll probably be a bit in between, cuase when i was a child i had lots of curls, then it progressed into waves and now its either, but most of the time its curls.

Hair - straight now curly?

hair can change, my aunts does alot

Hair - straight now curly?

your hair will change about every 7 years. It has to do with hormones and things like that. My hair was wavy when I was younger, got curly when I was about elematary school age, about middle school thru high school it got crazy thick and super frizzy. Now that I'm older the curls have loosened up and it's not that frizzy. Just the way hair works.

Hair - straight now curly?

This is exactly what happened to my hair! But I found out that sometimes your hair changes due to puberty, and that's around when mine started to get wavy and eventually curly. I would imagine if you cut it short, it will be even curlier as the curls will spring up more, so I don't think your hair being long has anything to do with it. If you're looking for something to help you understand/manage curly hair, i would suggest

hth! :)

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