Friday, April 20, 2012

What makes your hair curly?

I have curly hair. But I want my hair to be more curly natually because some bits of my hair is wavy and it looks stupid , so i want all bits of my hair to be curly. I don't want to straighten my hair because it makes my hair fall out.

What makes your hair curly?

The shape of your hair follicle determines whether your hair is curly, wavy, or straight.

Get some of that curl spritz and scrunch while its wet.

What makes your hair curly?

well buy one of those shampoo or gel that makes ur hair curly

What makes your hair curly?

You could scrunch it with a mousse when its wet. It wont grow out naturally curl though, you cant change it to do that.

What makes your hair curly?

Humidity REALLY makes your hair curly. Trust me, I have the same kind of hair. If you don't live in a humid climate, hydrating shampoo helps.

What makes your hair curly?

I guess genetics makes your hair curly naturally but if you want to make your hair curlier I suggest curl activator.

What makes your hair curly?

eat more crusts lol

after you get out of the shower or when you hair is damp get curl boosting spray or moose and scrunch your hair

What makes your hair curly?

curler activator

What makes your hair curly?

well my cousin that has curly hair she puts the pantene volume and it is really good because her hair become really curly and nice! i hope your hair become the same!

What makes your hair curly?

som epeople have different hair types on one head of hair ull have to live with it

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