I am fifteen, and i have curly caucasian hair. I have had it for as long as i can remember and am finally going to do something about it, because i am sick of it. Allllll i want is wavy/curly hair, not curly/ curly hair. If anyone out there knows of a way for me to get wavier hair, please let me know; first, the product's name, second, how much it costs, third if i will make my curly hair wavy, and fourth where i can get it. Thanks alot, and only people that have used the products answer please.
I need help with my curly hair.?
i love curly hair. but i understand how you feel. i have red hair and a lot of people tease me about that and sometimes i wish i had normal brown hair. but you can change yours without permanent damage. i will look for some products and get back to you...
go to that website. its perfect! its for curly hair, and it helps straightens it out, but if your hair is REALLY curly, it probably will only make it a bit wavy. its worth a try, right?
I need help with my curly hair.?
If your seriously wanting something a bit long term, you might want to consider buying a chemical straigtening kit. It will make it straight for a bit, but when the new hair at the roots start growing, it will be wavy. It costs about 30$ at walmart
I need help with my curly hair.?
there should be a shampoo that tames it! it is that commercial that says you need hairipy...i just cant think of the product name!
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