Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

I have naturally curly, thick hair... So curly, that some of my family member's don't believe that I don't have a perm! haha...

Anyway, some of my friends have dared me to straighten my hair for one day, so I've decided to.

How can I go about this? Flat iron, blow dryer? And what products will I need? I'm only looking for cheap stuff that I can buy at Walmart...

Will a $10 flat iron hurt my hair?

Also, will my hair be permanently damaged? How long will it take for it to go back to curly? And how can I make it not be frizzy when I do straighten it?

Give me all the tips that you can! I'm lost, and I don't wanna hurt my hair!

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

I would just go to Wal-Mart and buy a straighning iron. They work really well! A straightning iron will only damage hair, if you CONSTANTLY use it every day. If you use once in a while you will be totally fine. Good Luck!

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

Well wash ur hair ( any shapoo well do) and then blow dry it a little by running a brush threw it.....once dry split ur hair in half and take a preheat flat iron and start on certain section and start from root to tip pf hair........

Or u can take ur iron (yup the one u use for ironing clothes =)...and set on nearly hottest setting and put ur hair flat and down and press down iron and let ur hair glide threw it....yes sounds bad but really works and be careful, not to burn ur face or hands!!!

After ur hair is straight, try putting sum oil(s) in could be baby oil, etc. to keep it from drying up on u :)

hope this helps...

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

Flat iron. Its worth it. Nope it will not damage your hair. Nope it wont be damaged. You just go in the shower and then your hair goes back curly. To make it not frizzy look for frizz free hair products at walmart ot any other store of your choice.

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

I think you should wash your hair then wait till it drys and apply a straightening balm such as John Frieda straightening balm and then use a ceramic straightener. I do it all the time and it works great without damaging your hair!

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

First of all you need the right products for your hair type. Since you have curly hair you need a smoothing cream that will prevent frizzing and protect your hair while you are straightening it. And you can buy the products at wal-mart. The brand i recommend is pantene pro-v (the products for curly hair-it will say it on the label).

Before you start you should wash your hair with a smoothing shampoo and a thick conditioner, again i recommend pantene for curly hair types. Right after you get out of the shower you should gently towel dry your hair and apply the smoothing cream and let your hair air dry. (fyi its easier to straighten hair while its dry plus it reduces the damage).

I dont think you will need a blow dryer unless you want to dry it before you start straightening. I personaly think its easier to straighten with a flat iron as aposed to blow drying it with a round brush.

A 10$ flat iron wont hurt your hair the first time but if you decide to keep doing it you should purchase a ceramic one.

Your hair will not be permanently damaged. Just dont do it everyday or week. Give your hair some time to relax and make sure you always condition after shampooing and your hair will be fine.

Your hair will go back to curly once you wash your hair.

Alright, good luck and hope this helps.

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

maybe you should try washin ur hair then blow dry it then flat iron it and when your done you should tie it in a skarf but try not to sweat because itll curl back up

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

first wash and condition u'r hair.(the conditioner will help relax the curl).....then use a leave in spray conditioner and some anti frizz and shine cream(I recomend thermasilk)......then use a brush and pull it strait while blowdrying on high heat.......then go over it with a straightner on about 200 should come out strait and shiny........u'r hair will return to curly when u wash it again....and dont worry with all the conditioner and cream it will not damage u'r hair at all......have fun!!!

I have curly hair, and want to wear it straight for a day. I have no idea how to do that. Help?

i got ur back girl, watch this video!

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