Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

First off let me say I have Puerto Rican type curly hair that is very very curly. I LOVE the way my hair is right when I step out the shower. the curls lay down and it looks so great. BUT as soon as it start to dry it starts shrinking!!!! lol when my hair wet it is past my shoulders n when its dry i have a curly bob!!! I need to know if theres a product that will keep my hair laying down as if i just stepped out the shower WITHOUT drying it out like mousse.

PS%26gt; I've tried Mousses n gels but it just makes my hair frizzy n tangled. I've also tried Sunsilk anti poof n it didnt do anything.

Thanks to all who answer ^_^

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

Hi :)

2 things, Bumble %26amp; Bumble CURL CONSCIOUS Curl Creme FOR Medium TO Thick hair or the new GARNIER SOFT CURL creme. Its the best!!!

You can get it from:

You can buy Garnier in CVS or Walgreens.

Ciao Bella*

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

try bed head... (its a brand)

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

Well... you can try Kenra smoothing serum...(from your stylist) and try rough drying your hair while pulling it down with your fingers. But not completely dry because it will start to frizz... Also Kenra Curl Defining creme is Great....

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

Try "Bed Head" for curly hair or "Friz-Ease Serum".

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

Paul Mitchell and Fredrick Fekkai are really good stuff. Kind of expensive, though.

For cheaper stuff, John Frieda frizz ease serum or finishing cream works really, really well.

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

We probably have to same type of hair. You might want to look into the no-poo method. Also known as curly girl method. This will give you great curls with natural products.

My method is shampooing with vo5 conditioner then using Humectress as a leave in. I apply a bit of herbal essence mouse for curly hair. Works great for me! My hair changed texture completely after using this method. As for the might just have to wait til it grows out. We (us with curly hair) know there is always the shrinking factor!

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

An option is to straigten it and use curlers to make it curly and keep the length. I know that takes a while but it's an option if you want to keep the most length.

I prefer to use Aveda Be Curly and a touch of John Freida anti-frizz on my towel dried hair. My hair is similar in texture.

Another thing I do when I have the time is take my wet hair and put product in it, take 1 inch sections, wrap it around my finger and when I have my whole head done, dry it with a blow dryer with the diffuser on it. I don't put the blow dryer through the hair, I just use it to dry it. It makes the prettiest curls and lasts for a few days.

But you will lose some length as your curly hair dries, that's just the nature of the hair!

Hope this helps!

A Hair Product 4 Curly Hair??

John Frieda Frizz Ease

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