Monday, April 23, 2012

Curly hair @ school?

I'm like the only girl in my grade that has REALLY REALLY curly hair? Like every day I put it into a pony, bun, or braids. Should I start to show my curls or should I try and buy a hair strighter or keep doing it in a pony, bun, or braids? My friends think I should show my curls...what do you think? Would guys like curly hair? ***The only down side of showing my curls is that I have to wake up extra early in the moring, but I'd like to get some sleep befor school.***

Curly hair @ school?

try different things, one day wear it curly, one day wear it back. one day wear it straight. i have naturally curly hair, people pay tons of money too have curly hair, show it off girl!

Curly hair @ school?

show your curls

Curly hair @ school?

i have curly hair also.. and i came to school with them one day cuz i always wore it up also and everyone loved it.. just do new or creative things everyday... people will notice

Curly hair @ school?

do wateva u think looks long as the curls arent frizzy and u have them'll look fine. I have curlii hair too

Curly hair @ school?

I would show them off. In school-assuming this is hight school-so many girls try to look the same and they all just blend together. If you show your curls, it will definitely help you stand out and you'll be happier because of it.

Good luck!

Curly hair @ school?

I think that you should totally show them off!!! But you could always try different hairstyles throughout the week. [[What I would do]]

You know, one day curly, the other straight, another pulled back ... halfway get what I'm saying?

Curly hair @ school?

Dont feel like you have to look like evryone else. I have curly hair too, and all my firneds have straight hair. They are always telling me how they are so sick of their boring hair. Don't be ashamed of the curls!

Curly hair @ school?

Show off your natural hair, guys like curly hair shows you are wild. You never know you may just start a new trend amongst your grade.

Curly hair @ school?

Your hair sounds beautiful.

Guys are horny beasts and they don't care if you are bald or wearing a weave.

Try it one morning (like a Monday) and see if everyone likes it. You don't have to wear it down everyday, just every now and then for variation.

If you want it straight, try a CERAMIC flat iron. Only ceramic (you will need anti-frizz and anti-humidity properties of the ceramic)

Curly hair @ school?

Haha, I'm just like you, although I had always straightened my hair, but one night I had to work really late and hadn't had the time to straighten it and the next morning all my friends told me I should stay like that... I prefer to use my hair straightener though (if you buy one, especially if you have ultra curly hair, go for a CHI one, they're expensive, but you won't have to buy a thousand cheap ones like I did before I realized it was less expensive to invest once!) Still, when I'm too busy I keep my hair curly. I only think it's less manageable and you have less possibilities, but people seem to think it look nicer!

So go as you feel! You can alternate, you know!

Curly hair @ school?

try it see wat other people think and u can maybe even get a guy who likes curly hair. well u never will find out until u try??

Curly hair @ school?

No don't do that SHOW UR CURLY HAIR lol! Be different then everyone else! I have really really curly hair too and there are more people at my school with curly hair too but they staighten some days! So that makes me different! Be different then everyone else! ooo well then sleep sooner lol! or figure out wat u want to do with ur hair before u go to sleep so in the morning ur not wondering what should I do with it today!

Curly hair @ school?

Do whatever is easiest and looks best. If you're not comfortable showing your curls without giving them a lot of preparation, you might want to forget about showing them off every day. I'd suggest trying to let your curls go natural. As a guy, I think it's hot when girls don't try so hard to make themselves look cute, whether their hair is naturally straight, curly, wavy, or anything in between.

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