Monday, April 23, 2012

Curly hair massacre!?

Okay, my hair is like real jawline short. I streighten it ever morning! But this weekened I am getting babtized, listen I know its a rediculous question but if my hair gets wet it gets real curly, like Shirly Timple curly, it looks real bad on me too. So if anyone out there could plz give me some advise on how 2 keep my hair strieght somehow? Or am I screwed?

Curly hair massacre!?

I would suggest this:

Curly hair massacre!?

hmm.. well ur catholic i c.. not that that has anything to do with the question.. but yea.. go get a stightening perm.. it should keep it stright for awhile and you wont have to worry about if it gets wet and curls up or strightening it every morning.. idk, if you like your curls and want to keep them.. but you could get a semi-perm if you want them back later.. hope this hellps! = ] good luck, and congrats!

Curly hair massacre!?

I would say that there isn't much of a chance of your hair staying straight. Try scrunching your hair with hair spray and gel. That way, it'll just look cute and beachy after you get baptised. You could also try putting your hair in a cute pony tail or braids.

And congradulations on getting baptised! Thats wonderful %26amp; have fun with it=].

Curly hair massacre!?

umm; well your pretty much screwed!!

unless your gonna wear a shower/swimming cap!!

that would keep your hair dry and straight.

but since its a religious thing.

dont worry about it and you just deal with it since your doing it for your religion and faith!!

Curly hair massacre!?

Curly is great! I have naturally curly hair and wear it both ways. How fun is that to change your look whenever you want! After your baptism just put a dap of curl enhacing liquid or get in it. Maybe use a scarf/bandana or a few bobby pins to pin it up out of your face. Super cute.

and...avoid using too much product or one that is too heavy. I use matrix curl life

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