Friday, April 20, 2012

Curly Hair... HELP!!!?

I am a Caucasian sixth grader with dirty blonde (It looks brown) and very curly hair. All my life I have been tying my hair back in a ponytail when it is wet to make the top part dry straight and then I would straighten the bottom of my ponytail to make it look like I had straight hair. But I am tired of doing this so I need some advice on good curly hair products to use. What do you use that works?

Curly Hair... HELP!!!?

Ok. I'm in 9th grade and I have brown hair and its extremely poofy and curly. Before school (yes I'm sorry to say you have to wake up earlier then normal) or this summer have a long bath and try to put 2 rinses of shampoo and 1 conditioner. I know then you buy some frizz-less product and silk it into your hair. and then brow-dry it till its dry and it'll come out way straighter. And by the way dont blow-dry up it'll make frizz and try and blow dry it down from scalp to ends.

Curly Hair... HELP!!!?

dont put ur hair in a ponytail while its wet because it will grow mold. use herbal essences totally twisted.

Curly Hair... HELP!!!?

Paul Mitchell has this awesome product that i use on my hair but of course I cannot remember the name right now. I think it is rev it up or something along those lines. Go to a salon who carries Paul Mitchell and they can tell you better.

Curly Hair... HELP!!!?

one thing you could do is flat iron ur hair but first put a heat protectant is sum flat irons and heat protectants that i really like.......................................

good luck!

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