Friday, April 20, 2012

Curly hair dilema?

my hair was naturally cork screw curly used to always get comments about my hair. then through my teenage days i started straightening my hair and yes its completly ruined my hair. i need it back curls for a acting role is there anything i can do to restore curls or do i need to curly perm thanks.

Curly hair dilema?

There should be a way to take care of your hair dilemma. If you make sure that you condition it very well it should go back to its original state if you take the proper precautions to take care of your hair. The perm might damage your hair so that when your hair grows out again. The perm should be your last resort if you are crushed for time. Otherwise, NATURAL IS BETTER!!!

Curly hair dilema?

one word


Curly hair dilema?

there is a shampoo called wash and curl- if your curls are going to come back that shampoo will help. You can buy it anywhere- Walmart, Walgreens, the grocery stores etc.

Curly hair dilema?

In this site you can find lot about hair loss and its treatment and also you will find how to restor your hair problems for men and women of all ages. How to and when to take a doctors help in examination to determine the cause of hair loss. The physician or a doctor will seek the cause with other diagnostic measures which should be treated before hair restoration is under taken.

See This site Hear Having Your Answer Thank You.

Curly hair dilema?

i have really straight hair to get it curly i use charles worthington takeaways curl definition cream it's excellent

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