i have kinky curly dry hair and I just straighten it but the ends are fried so if i put soft foam curlers on the ends will this help or cause it to frizz?
Curly hair and rollers?
you may need to get a trim... sometimes it's frizzy on the ends because of slit ends
Curly hair and rollers?
It would make it fuzzy on the ends, I suggest you go to a salon and get your ends trimmed and get a deep conditioning treatment. it might need to be thinned out as well.
Curly hair and rollers?
Trim it, you have split ends and damaged hair on the ends.
Curly hair and rollers?
I might look funny, because the last time I used soft rollers there was a kink in my hair where the roller ended. The ends might not get as bad if you try using a hair dryer with a smal curling brush for the ends. Hope this helps.
Curly hair and rollers?
It's not the curlers the are messing up your ends. When you get your next hair cut, tell them your ends are fried and ask them to recommend something you can use when you are straightening your hair.
Curly hair and rollers?
You need to get a good trim first off, and if you use curlers, it may tame down the frizz and kinkiness, but if you dont trim the ends its still going to be there.. and it will spread up the hair strand
Curly hair and rollers?
The soft foam curlers won't cause it to frizz, but it also won't remedy the situation. I would do a deep conditioning treatment. See your beautician and she can help pick one out for your hair. If you need to, also get the ends trimmed for a healthier look.
Curly hair and rollers?
curly hair is usually dry because we tend to not brush it as much as your curls and waves will expand and get frizzy.
Straightening it will help tame the frizz if you use an anti frizz serum or heat proctetor before straightening.
I have the same problem ( funny how our avatar is similar too).
But you should seriously consider getting the dry ends trimmed, it is most likely split and the split can get bigger moving up the hair shaft and just getting worse.
Curly hair and rollers?
yh i agree, get a trim n then make sure you use a good shampoo and conditioner specifically designed to suit your hair, i've heard that herbal essences or sunsilk is quite good. make sure to intensively condition your hair once a week, so that the hair doesnt become dry from straightening. you can use rollers if your curls need to be tamed. good luck!
Curly hair and rollers?
I'm a guilty straightener user and yes, what people have been saying is true, frizz usually means split ends. If you can, take a look at the ends of a couple of strands of your hair, if they are split then you definitely need to get them trimmed or else your problem will escalate.
If however your ends aren't split as of yet, my best advice is to firstly sort yourself out with some decent conditioner. This should be combed through and left on your hair for about two minutes before rinsing out (make sure to avoid your roots, the conditioner will just make your hair seem greasy if you overload your roots with it).
A lot of people are very clean conscious and wash their hair daily, but this will do your situation no good as the water dries your hair out (in a similar way to the way your lips chap if you lick them too much). Depending on how quickly your hair gets greasy, give it a wash every 2-3 days.
Secondly, try and keep straightening to a minimum (once every 1-2 days) and find a decent straightening balm or protecting spray for heat treated hair to use before straightening it.
I hope this advice helped you in some way, good luck with the hair!
Curly hair and rollers?
Foam rollers tend to squash and make kinks in the hair. I would use large magnetics and a gel to smooth the ends.
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