Do you ever have those days when you wake up, and your hair says, "Poof! That's it!" The morning rush to school doesn't leave too much time for getting that beautiful curls look.
So here's my question: does anyone have any good advice for curly hair? I've tried a lot of products, but I can't seem to find the right one for me (it's so cliched, but it's true!). I have non-dyed, non-permed, waist-length hair, tons of frizz, and lots of split ends.
I usually buy extra hold gel to keep it all down, but I heard using gel too much is really bad for your hair.
So to sum it up: can anyone give me a curly hair 101? And what kinds of products do you use? Thanks!
Curly %26amp; frizzy hair help please!!!?
okay umm first--WAIST LENGHT HAIR! c'mon trim it to about 4 inches below your shoulders
second--ask your hairstylist what you should use
third--i would try using like professional products like the kind they sell at the salon
i also have frizzy/curly/wavy hair and yes you do want the pretty curls but its very frustrating and difficult and so if you know anyone else w/ this kind of hair ask them wat they use and again like i said ask your hairstylist
hope this helps 閳?br>Curly %26amp; frizzy hair help please!!!?
I used to have curly, frizzy hair down to mah butt and it drove me crazy too, but I learned that if I let it try in a plat, and put extra conditioner in afterwards with smoothing serum and a light shine spray, it worked out fine.
Also make sure it's cut in a way that works for you, my hair was all in one big clump and drove me crazy til I got a good hair cut.
Curly %26amp; frizzy hair help please!!!?
Garnier Fructis Curl and Shine
Curly %26amp; frizzy hair help please!!!?
i think i can help you!!!
first, go to wal mart or anywhere and you can by "GARNIER FRUCTiS SLEEK%26amp;SHINE ANTI-FRIZZ SERUM" (it comes in a green round ball with a soap-like dispenser)
after you wash hair with the oh so silkening "Dove moisturinging shampoo and conditiner, towel dry hair is its still damp. rub a SMALL amount (size of a quarter) onto palms then into hair. then let it airdry until its FULLY dried.
after that you can straighten hair with a straighten iron by itself with no chemicals and it will come out AWESOME!
good luck :)
if you choose me as best answer, just comment me and telll me what else you want to know
:D i hope i helped you!!!
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